BRAND NEW MMO Could threaten Ashes of Creations Success in 2023

BRAND NEW MMO Could threaten Ashes of Creations Success in 2023


Watch the full interview with CEO Jake Song here:

With the ArcheAge 2 Trailer dropping it’s time to discuss the sequal to this much beloved MMORPG.
KakaoGames and XLgames have teamed up to create another Seamless Open World MMORPG focused on PVP and PVE using the highly praised housing, ocean and Trading systems to create a unique experience for us to enjoy.
Can Ashes of Creation survive the sequal of it’s inspiration, or will the game fizzle out and die?

Incase you wondered where the intro was for this video, welp… get used to it 😬
The channel has taken a bit of a hit to it’s performance lately which means, the frequency of uploads is increasing to supplement this however, I can assure you the quality will not be impacted at all 🙂
Come join your brothers and sisters high on the copium:

Business Inquiries: [email protected]

#AshesofCreation #MMORPG #ArcheAge

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    Narc 2 years

    Incase you wondered where the intro was for this video, welp… get used to it 😬
    The channel has taken a bit of a hit to it’s performance lately which means, the frequency of uploads is increasing to supplement this however, I can assure you the quality will not be impacted at all 🙂 Come join your brothers and sisters high on the copium:

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    Yuset Sanchez 2 years

    Well kaka in Spanish caca means shit 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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    Fefner 2 years

    Dont trust them because of the mess that happened in AA but i must admit the action combat might turn my head, im still unsure on the combat mechanic in AoC as i much prefer action over tab and as it stands, AoC’s version of action isnt really true action combat.

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    Ste Ciel 2 years

    Don’t forget about Archeage Unchained, from buy to play to subscription system. With no chance to transfer in legacy, I had more than 1k h in legacy and in unchained too.

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    kluaf oz 2 years

    Damn coming to console as well? Damn I can’t fucking wait!!!!

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    kluaf oz 2 years

    When I ran passed a house in archage 1 with a girl in a bikini plastered on the side of a house the immersion was completely broken for me and quit… I sure as hell hope they don’t allow that in aa2.

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    Shtou 2 years

    No need for the click-bait title

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    zero Xavion 2 years

    haven’t watched the whole video yet, but as you’re mentioning Kakao games, XL games have said that they want to publish Archeage 2 themselves
    so Kakao games wouldn’t be the ones releasing it

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    Brad Andrews 2 years

    AoC is in a lull? It is nowhere near release. You can only live on hyping the “next big thing” for so long.

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    Quecksilber 2 years

    So who cares for this trash then? I absolutely not. This i can assure you. 🙂

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    William Laprarie 2 years

    archeage doesn’t have “gated” content, that was removed with the “Pay 2 Win” RNG items and the upgrade that was on the market. The only thing that will be monetized is upgrades to housing/farming and cosmetics from what i was told. They “might” offer cash purchase option. But you will be earning ingame currencies to purchase items of that nature from the market.
    A game like GW2, for example, is the worst game on the market for monetized gated content you literally are locked into 1/16th of the world map unless you purchase stories that unlock other maps, then you have to grind forever to get currencies to buy the gear items behind gated areas. Thats not thing only gated content either. much is locked behind a stupid mount system that is total trash.

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    Patricia Chuchian 2 years

    Arch Age developers suck…………..

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    Osiris 2 years

    Anyone who plays a PTW title is a loser, just accept it.

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    Leftnut59 2 years

    Knowing XL Games there will be gaping holes in the game code that will be exploited.

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